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Traffic Road Signs
Question 1
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This sign means
turn either side - vehicles must turn right or left.
two-way traffic - beware of traffic from right and left.
split traffic - vehicles may pass on either side.
This sign means 'No Entry' for vehicles
with overall height exceeding 4.5 metres.
with overall width exceeding 4.5 metres.
with overall length exceeding 4.5 metres.
This sign means
drive straight ahead only - vehicles are not allowed to turn right or left.
one way traffic ahead - vehicles may turn right or left.
steep slope ahead - drive carefully and do not overtake.
What does this sign mean?
Maintain your speed at 80 km/h.
Cannot drive slower than 80 km/h.
Cannot drive beyond 80 km/h.
If you need to display the 'vehicle breakdown', it should be placed
at least 10 metres behind your vehicle.
at least 20 metres behind your vehicle.
just behind the vehicle.
When you see this sign, you should
slow down, do not overtake - road narrows ahead.
slow down and prepare to stop - road ends ahead.
slow down and drive carefully - dual-carriageway ahead.
When you see this sign, you should
slow down and keep left as you are approaching a right bend.
slow down and get ready to drive up a steep slope ahead.
slow down and give way to oncoming traffic before turning right.
When you see this sign, you should
not turn left or right but proceed in the directions as shown.
keep left and beware of oncoming traffic.
make a U-turn ahead.
This sign means
'No Waiting' for lorries.
'No Entry' for lorries.
'No Parking' for lorries.
This sign means that
there is a one-way street on your right.
you cannot proceed straight ahead or turn left.
you must keep to the right hand side of the road.
This sign means you
can turn left immediately upon reaching the junction.
must stop and give way before turning left.
need not stop and check as you have the right of way.
This sign means
you cannot wait but you can stop to let down or pick up passengers.
you cannot stop your vehicle at all.
you may stop for a short while so long as you remain in the car.
When you see this sign, you should
slow down, beware of traffic from the right.
not slow down as you have the right of way.
not turn right as the road is closed to traffic.
This sign means
you cannot drive beyond 50 km/h.
you cannot drive slower than 50 km/h.
you must maintain your speed at 50 km/h.
This sign means
No Entry.
No Waiting.
No Stopping.
This sign means
you should slow down, keep left and beware of oncoming traffic.
two lanes are merging - alternative vehicles have the right of way.
you must make a U-turn as the road is ending ahead.
On seeing this sign, you should
drive carefully as there is guard-rail along the road side.
drive carefully and look out for level gate closing.
slow down as there is an Army rocket launching range ahead.
This sign means
keep to the left side of the road.
there is a sharp bend on the left - drive carefully.
you cannot go straight or turn right.
When you see this sign, you should
keep left, do not overtake, beware of oncoming traffic.
overtake slow moving vehicles and build up speed to go up the slope.
overtake slow moving vehicles so that you will not lose speed.
When you see this sign, you
cannot turn left but may go straight or turn right.
must turn left as there are no other roads ahead.
may turn left on Sundays and Public holidays.